At the heart of the films that we do is the belief that they have the power to bring social change like no other.
Our core focus is investigative work that highlights the social and human rights injustices that need urgent attention. Our films have been broadcast across the world and have travelled to major festivals and won multiple awards.
We believe that films are one of the most important art forms. They are a mirror to our society and a reflection of the imperfect world that we inhabit. They have the power to start nationwide conversations and speak truth to power. This reflects both in our fiction and non-fiction work.


At the heart of the films that we do is the belief that they have the power to bring social change like no other.
Our core focus is investigative work that highlights the social and human rights injustices that need urgent attention. Our films have been broadcast across the world and have travelled to major festivals and won multiple awards.
We believe that films are one of the most important art forms. They are a mirror to our society and a reflection of the imperfect world that we inhabit. They have the power to start nationwide conversations and speak truth to power. This reflects both in our fiction and non-fiction work.

Outreach campaigns and impact screenings are an important extension of the films that we do.
The life of a film is no longer just limited to film festivals, TV broadcasts and OTT platforms. A film that addresses an important social issue has the power to ignite debates and bring about changes by engaging in an effective audience engagement strategy.
We are extremely proud of some of our impact screenings and workshops particularly around our films on trafficking which have started important conversations and debates.
Organisations and broadcasters who have supported our work
Organisations and broadcasters who have supported our work

We operate from a quiet neighbourhood in the western suburb of Delhi.
Should you wish to drop in, endless cups of freshly brewed coffee will be at your disposal. Yes, we are coffee lovers! And believe that all good things start with a cup of coffee.
If you are outside Delhi or India, just drop us a text and you will hear back soon.